A Johannesburg law firm has subpoenaed Regional and Executive Management of the RAF in respect of some of it’s High Court Trials. The contention of the attorney is that her clients are being hugely prejudiced by inter alia having to cover preparation and/or reservation fees and costs of counsel when the bulk of these costs can and should be avoided. We all know that the majority of High Court claims against the RAF settle on the steps of Court at the eleventh hour and at substantial cost to both the RAF and the accident victim.The attorney in question believes that this issue needs to be put before the court and this can only be done so with Executive and Regional Management present.She initially served about a dozen subpoenas in respect of different matters but has now agreed to withdraw all of them except for one. She feels that a public interest issue of such importance simply must be ventilated before the court. The matter is apparently set to go to Court in April 2010.We all experience this problem, defendant and plaintiff attorneys alike. Defendant attorneys struggle to get instructions from the RAF and plaintiff attorneys are left to explain the astronomical trial costs to their clients.
The RAF has brought an application to have the subpoenas set aside and the attorney is opposing the application. This is an excellent opportunity to voice your opinion. Why not email me your views alternatively make some comments. We’ll keep you posted as to what transpires.